During this project, I created all the assets and animations for an app that could be used to book tickets. The app also allows users to user NFC technology to synchronise their booking, converting to a “hive” booking system allowing the group to nominate a ‘Queen” who could then book group seats at a discounted price on a single phone or tablet which would then disseminate the tickets amongst the hive members. These hive discounts can also be applied to couples, families or friends; the more in your hive, the cheaper your seats.
A big part of Beeline’s concept is the bespoke points system I developed. By tapping the app to kiosks across different locations worldwide you earn “honey points” on the app. These accumulated points can then be used to pay toward upgrades like legroom and priority boarding. They can even be used in flight to purchase drinks and snacks from the stewards. This is a completely unique system designed from the bottom up for Beeline.
I created an entire identity for Beeline, including logo, colour scheme, full brand guidelines, social media and more. Every asset and icon is hand created especially for Beeline, keeping their tone of brand in mind across the board. Creating customised vinyl designs to brand their planes and ensure brand recognition across the board. I am very proud of this brand and the work I have done toward it, my skills with animation and app design increased drastically during my time on this project.